„Team Emergency Lane”

Category: Special Price for Social Engagement
Fire department: Youth Fire Brigade Langenthal (Germany)
Operation: Project Emergency Lane
The youngsters immediately understood how it works and quickly came up with the idea of going public with it and sending an educational film “around the world” that shows how easy it is to form an emergency lane.
At that time, a blocked road in Langenthal turned out to be the perfect backdrop. After holding dress rehearsals on a side street, Road B83 was transformed into a film stage several days later together with the FD and the parents of the children. Cameras, drones, fog machines and many other props were on hand.
After the release of a film preview, the actual educational film on the formation of an emergency lane came out a short time after. 147,728 persons have already viewed the Langenthal YFD’s film.
It even has its own hashtag: #wirwollenniemehrmisslungenerettungsgassen.
The Team “Rettungsgasse” (emergency lane) was born. T-shirts for wearing at public events were made and videos were sent to many large companies and public figures.
The Langenthal YFD wants to sensitise everyone about this issue and continue until everyone knows how to form an emergency lane, and better yet, does it. After all, why doesn’t it always work? Many other great videos were made about the same topic after the Langenthal YFD’s – but emergency lanes don’t always function. Don’t people know? Don’t they understand?
So many questions remain open. The #TeamRettungsgasse simply wants every automobile driver to know how to form an emergency line – and do it! Help out and join the #TeamRettungsgasse. This topic must go around the world.